The Digital Download Episode 15

This week Kate reviews the latest digital news including Twitter’s introduction of Moments for all, Meerkat’s rebrand and re-purpose to HouseParty and the Google’s developments to analytics. She ends the podcast with a blog written by Jerry Daykin busting Twitter myths for marketers.

We would love to hear your feedback on the show and how useful you find this companion page. Let us know or tweet @KateHamerLtd




RSS Feed

Snap Inc fight for the right to take a selfie whilst voting

Snapchat Stats from The Drum

Twitter Moments for All

One of my favourites so far

Ask Jelly Integration to Twitter

Meerkat to HouseParty

Join HouseParty

Google Blog on New Analytics

Request a beta invite

Do It Day

Great Twitter Integration at the Ice Hockey

One of my favourite Presidential Election tweets so far

How to listen to customer feedback by Sainsburys


How it all started

How it’s taken off

Blog:6 Ways Twitter Still Confuses Marketers, But Shouldn’t