Fantastic, you want to help in the fight against Climate Change! Here are some useful resources to help you.

What can you do?
At Home
Switch to energy efficient light bulbs – By switching to these you can a) save £20 in electricity costs per bulb over its lifetime and b) save around 2000 times the light bulb’s weight in carbon dioxide emissions. It may seem a small impact per bulb but if we all do it, imagine the difference we can make!
Get a water efficient shower head – check out Which Reviews here
Help reduce foodwaste by using a service like Oddbox for your fruit and vegetables – not only do they not come wrapped in plastic but they have been saved from landfill after being rejected for the most ridiculous reasons like size or shape by retailers. If you want £10 off your first order send me an email and I will refer you.
Download apps like Too Good to Go or Olio to be able to rescue food from restaurants, shops and your neighbours. A great way to save money too!
Out and about
Take a reusable water bottle with you. I like Chillys and Swell
Take a reusable coffee cup – I love these ones from Stojo which fold down in your bag.
Brands doing their bit
Maybelline have teamed up with Terracycle to install make up recycling bins in 1000 stores around the UK.
You can take your used palettes, mascaras etc and they will clean them out and recycle them. You can take any brand there too – not just Maybelline!