In July 2020 Kate was trained by former US Vice President Al Gore to become a Climate Reality Leader. Based on his original deck from An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore trains Climate Activists around the world to enable them to pass the message on about the Climate Emergency.
Founded and chaired by Nobel Laureate and former US Vice President
Al Gore, The Climate Reality Project is dedicated to catalysing a global
solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity
across every level of society.
With glaciers melting, seas rising, and 16 of the 17 hottest years on record coming this century, we know humanity must change and act boldly to solve the climate crisis.
The good news is that we know we can. Solar, wind, and other renewable solutions are becoming more affordable every year. And all around the world, countries from China to Chile are seizing the moment, working to cut emissions under the Paris Agreement and create a safe, sustainable, and
prosperous future powered by clean energy.
At Climate Reality, our job is to ensure we will. Led by Vice President Gore and CEO Ken Berlin, we use twenty-first century digital tools and activist trainings to share the truth about the crisis and empower everyday people to become powerful forces for change.
Kate is available to come to speak to your company or organisation about the impacts and solutions of Climate Change. She is also able to host Zoom webinars so can present to you regardless of your location.
If you are interested in receiving a talk please email Kate@katehamer.com