The New Normal & what it means for your business

In this ‘New World’ of digital, there is obviously a focus on blogging about the latest developments, videos, thought pieces etc.  It got me thinking that people who are new to digital or trying to learn more, might miss some of the older stuff that is still just as valuable today.  So I am starting an ‘oldies but goodies’ section … Read More

Drones Not as ‘Far Out’ As You Think

This morning I attended a BIMA Breakfast Briefing on Drones and Emerging Tech. It was a really interesting session with presenters Jonny Tooze from Lab, Scott Ross from DigitasLBi, Adam Gee from Channel 4 and Paul Watkins from production house 360 Skylens.  Until this session, the only things I had really seen about drones were the Amazon Prime Air discussions … Read More